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One Tool- Many Uses – for Your Home Care Agency

Learn 12 Different Ways HomeCareQuote Can Help Your Home Care Agency Make a Bigger Impact on Your Bottom Line This Year!
HomeCareQuote - One Tool, Many Uses for Your Home Care Agency

As an agency owner, would you like to positively impact multiple key performance indicators with the use of one tool?


Pricing Tool
Allowing you to better price your services based upon the needs of each client

Base Care Plan Tool
Identifies your client needs from the initial phone call AND before your schedule more detailed in (costly) person assessment.

Lead Generation Tool
Your customized agency URL on your website – turns your website into an interactive, lead generating website providing you with contact info, client needs, pricing, hours, payor source & more!

Qualifying Tool (Ideal client)
Helps you determine if a prospect has the resources & commitment to care services from the initial phone call or web inquiry

Educational Tool
Creates a visual, transparent PDF with a color-coded CARE SPECTRUM CHART, for prospects to see, understand & learn from customized to your agency.

Market Differentiator
Distinguishes your agency from others in your market with a professional, consistent, customized, & dynamic tool that uses algorithms & machine learning that genuinely follows that client throughout their time with your agency
(initial call>assessment>reassessment).

Margin Improvement
Allows your agency to set up protections in their profile to help minimize or eliminate margin erosion factors.

Training Tool (staff & prospects/clients)
Follows a step-by-step professional process (your agency Standard Operating Procedure-S.O.P.) that asks all the right questions helps train staff with a consistent care-first approach & educates prospect/client as they provide the answers. Then, they visually see the results in a professional PDF.

Reassessment Tool
Allows your agency to monitor, record & change client care plans & pricing for the duration of that client with your agency based upon state/licensing rules/regs, client life event or agency specific rules.

Compensation Tool
Based upon the care needs of each individual client, your agency personnel will know exactly what to pay a Care Professional for every specific case which helps maintain agency margins

Couple’s Care & Pricing
Allows your agency to appropriately collect care & needs information for households with couples. From no care all the way to maximum care for both people in the same home.

Analytics Tool
Every data point within HCQ is collected, retained, stored, & available in a HIPPA compliant cloud for the agency to use to make important & detailed business decisions. It is real-time, agency specific, and can be used if you have one agency location or multiple locations.

Want to learn more about how HomeCareQuote can be an integral part your agency? Call us at 678.809.9200, email us at or visit

Karl Ryder, CEO
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