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HomeCareQuote Sponsors “Empowering Aging” Events by Connect Our Elders

"Thank you HOME CARE QUOTE, Valerie Darling & Karl Ryder for being the very first sponsor of Connect Our Elders “Empowering Aging” events." - Sarah Barker, Connect Our Elders.
"Thank you HOME CARE QUOTE, Valerie Darling & Karl Ryder for being the very first sponsor of Connect Our Elders “Empowering Aging” events." - Sarah Barker, Connect Our Elders.
"Thank you HOME CARE QUOTE, Valerie Darling & Karl Ryder for being the very first sponsor of Connect Our Elders “Empowering Aging” events." - Sarah Barker, Connect Our Elders.

“Thank you HOME CARE QUOTE, Valerie Darling & Karl Ryder for being the very first sponsor of Connect Our Elders “Empowering Aging” events.” – Sarah Barker, Connect Our Elders.

Connect Our Elders and the panel of expert educators for the 2nd “Empowering Aging” event are looking forward to August 3rd. Have you registered?


What is an Empowering Aging Virtual Event?

Connect Our Elders believes that to appropriately care for our Nation’s Elders it is not enough to just look at things in a compartmentalized manner as issues arise.

We must be proactive in educating our Elders about adequate planning as far as finances, estate planning, trusts, etc in addition to letting them know proactively about all of the various levels of care on the continuum, how they work together, how each is paid for, as well as the community resources, technology solutions, and other benefits such as veterans benefits that exist.

We feel strongly that direct-to-consumer education for the (Elder themself and their inner circle which encompasses family and advisors) needs to be drastically improved.

“Empowering Aging” virtual events are one aspect of Connect Our Elders. We bring together various experts from the continuum of care alongside legal/financial professionals so as to educate and transparently paint a picture for people of why proactive planning in all areas of one’s life is crucial.

Connect Our Elders, in addition to believing so strongly in direct-to-consumer education, partners with home care agencies, care managers, senior housing placement professionals (not direct to communities as we believe families deserve to have the on-ground experts facilitating tours to various communities and the on-ground placement professionals truly understand the differentiators of each community option), legal/financial professionals so as to help Elders and their inner circle navigate and get connected to experts in each area.

Simply providing a list of resources to these families is not adequate. It does nothing to reduce overwhelm. However, making a confident, professional, direct recommendation does. Families all across our Nation need us to lead!

August 3, 2022 EVENT SPEAKERS


  • Hannah Rues “What is value-based care for our Elders?” 

Learning specific exercises that affect antigravity muscles. Muscles that slow us down and allow us to stop and change direction.  Are the key to avoiding falling, improving balance and remaining independent.

  • Errol Sayin “Long term care benefits for War-time Veterans and their widows.”

3/4 of veterans served in wartime and that service makes a long-term care benefit possible. It’s like having a lifetime long-term care insurance policy. Widows of wartime Veterans are often the last to hear about these benefits. Errol recently did a claim for a WWII widow. She is 106. Why so long a wait??? She had never heard about it until this year!!!

  • Melody Lynch “When to consider finding a care solution.”

Melody has been working in the health care industry for the last 19 years and has had the opportunity to meet some amazing colleagues and patients who have touched her life forever. While on her journey she began to notice ways we can improve patient care and their overall experiences as well as their families.

After working in memory care, mental health, long-term care, assisted living, physician offices, home care, completing an undergrad in health administration, completing rigorous studies with a director of operations at a major health organization, graduate school with a gerontology major along with MBA classes, she had a unique opportunity working with a community to identify a niche market.

She began working on an idea that not only incorporated superior care, but also technology. Aging in place has become a major topic as the baby boomers enter this realm and as we continue to address the issue of dwindling Medicare dollars. Her career and education has, and continues to be, devoted to improving the lives of others.

About Home Care Quote:

The need for quality Home Care is growing at a rapid pace and has had a variety of challenges. Three key areas have been particularly challenging; clearly defined patient care needs, care professional skills, and Home Care Agency performance.

HomeCareQuote is the first of its kind AI technology that will set the industry standard for patient care and education, employee training and compensation, Agency best practices, compliance, and profitability.

HomeCareQuote addresses the needs of the client, the home care agency, and the care professional through a 5-Step Process.

The HomeCareQuote 5-Step Process

The Home Care Solution for Client Pricing, Caregiver Compensation, and Streamlining Agency Operations.


The ecosystem of the home care industry.

For more about how HomeCareQuote can increase your agency’s revenue and to get more information, a live demo, or a free trial, visit us here:

Karl Ryder, CEO