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What is ROI? What does it mean? How does it affect my home care agency?

If you invest (spend) money on a product or service, one of the best ways to measure the return of that money is if you have made more than it cost you.
If you invest (spend) money on a product or service, one of the best ways to measure the return of that money is if you have made more than it cost you.
If you invest (spend) money on a product or service, one of the best ways to measure the return of that money is if you have made more than it cost you.

Simply, ROI stands for Return on Investment.  ROI is basically, a return on an investment that you’ve made. It is the gauge of how much money you’ve made (or lost) on an investment or project after accounting for the cost.


If you invest (spend) money on a product or service, one of the best ways to measure the return of that money is if you have made more than it cost you.


This is what HomeCareQuote (HCQ) can do for you with a subscription investment. It has shown to increase the overall addition to your bottom line as shown below.


Illustrative Example:

  • Annual Agency Revenue: $1mm
  • Assuming client revenue turns at 50% per year
  • $500K new revenue quoted with HCQ
  • Annual Cost of Enterprise Subscription: $4,788 ($399 monthly subscription)
  • HCQ enables a ~10% Improvement on new revenue: $50,000
  • Net Revenue increase for Agency: $45,000
  • Return on Investment w/ HCQ: ~950%
  • Additional upside based on application to current census
  • Consultative Tool: Money left on the table funds monthly subscription cost with zero cost to the business
  • Business use cases with Revenue increase:
    • Increase Care Professional’s skill-based compensation (higher wages w/o adding to overhead cost)
    • Reduce hiring cost by lowering attrition rate (lower overhead and other costs for hiring)
    • Increase agency profitability and valuation


To get started with your next investment and ROI, just go to and sign-up for a free trial, request a demo or subscribe to the quote plan that best fits your agency’s needs.

It’s just that easy!

Karl Ryder, CEO